Tues Sep 30

Today was our second in class workday for the mid-unit mini-project. Remember that its due on Friday!

Vocab Quiz 3: FRI

Mon Sep 29

Today we went over the instructions for the mid-unit mini-project, the population policy choice board! We then went to the lab to work on the mini-project.

Fri Sep 26

Today we went over the extra credit options for fall semester, and then we had an FRQ workshop in class.

Thurs Sep 25

Today we talked about population policies - we took the "Baby o Matic" quiz for fun, and then went through a powerpoint on pop. policies. Then we got a graphic organizer and read articles on 4 different countries' responses to population changes.

Wed Sep 24

Today we held our socratic seminar on overpopulation in class. Please remember to complete the reflection sheet tonight as the last part of your grade.

**If you missed the seminar, be sure you have your notes/organizer to turn in as part of your grade**

Tues Sep 23

Today we are in the lab preparing for our socratic seminar on overpopulation! Remember to research AT LEAST 4 sources of information and take notes on your organizer chart (you will turn this in). I've compiled this list of resources for you to start with - feel free to find your own as well.

Socratic Seminar organizer

http://www.overpopulation.org à website with lots of info
http://www.pop.org à website with lots of info: click on the research tab
https://suite.io/rupert-taylor/1kre238  à article: the world is overpopulated
http://www.realclearscience.com/articles/2011/07/20/the_world_is_not_overpopulated_106247.html  àarticle:  the world is not overpopulated
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UR3jzGMMEes à video clip: world is overpopulated
http://www.infowars.com/cia-over-population-will-strain-resources-stoke-extremism à article: overpopulation will cause conflict
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZVOU5bfHrM&feature=youtu.be à video clip: overpopulation is a myth
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By9BW8F2ZEqAbEstdEU5OHViWW8/edit?usp=sharing à article: overpopulation problem?
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By9BW8F2ZEqAS0QxalRSeWNVZGc/edit?usp=sharing à article: overpopulation is everyone’s problem
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By9BW8F2ZEqAcHYtZGlVZ0NOdE0/edit?usp=sharing à article: overpopulation myth
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By9BW8F2ZEqAcnI1SXNwTG5jNmM/edit?usp=sharing à diffusing the population bomb

Mon Sep 22

Today we took our third map quiz, and then we watched a video clip on Malthus and population growth, taking notes on notecards. We then went through our powerpoint slides on Malthus, and discussed the socratic seminar we will hold in class on Wednesday.

Socratic Seminar procedures sheet

Fri Sep 19

Today we took our second vocab quiz, and then went to the lab to work on the population pyramid analysis. Please have this finished by Monday - printed or emailed to me by 4:00pm!

Map Quiz 3: MON

Thurs Sept 18

Today we had the first half of class to finish our population pyramid posters from yesterday. Then we moved to the lab to start work on our population pyramid analysis sheet. We will be back in the lab tomorrow to keep working on this!

Vocab Quiz 2: FRI

Wed Sep 17

Today we worked in groups on calculating data and creating a population pyramid. We will finish the posters tomorrow!

Vocab Quiz 2: FRI
Map Quiz 3: MON

Tues Sept 16

Today we wrapped up our DTM graphing & discussion on Sweden & Mexico, and then we took notes from our PPT on population pyramids. We wrapped up by working with partners to analyze 6 population pyramids of the U.S.

Vocab Quiz 2: FRI
Map Quiz 3: MON

Mon Sep 15

Today we presented our DTM stage posters, and then we worked on identifying the stage of ten different scenarios. Finally we worked on visualizing the DTM for Sweden and Mexico using CBR and CDR data. We will finish the graphs/discussion questions tomorrow at the beginning of class!

Fri Sep 12

Today we took our vocab quiz and then finished up our group posters on the DTM.

PRB data sheet question #26 due: MON

Thurs Sep 11

Today we took notes on the DTM and then worked in groups on creating a poster for one stage of the DTM - we will finish and present these tomorrow!

Vocab Quiz 1: FRI
PRB Data sheet questions 1-25: FRI

Wed Sep 10

Today we went to the lab to look up data on the world's population from the Population Reference Bureau. This is the assignment sheet - questions 1-25 are due by Friday, question 26 is due by Monday.

Vocab Quiz 1: FRI

Tues Sep 9

Today we went over the population density worksheet from yesterday, and then we discussed world population growth and change. We watched a video on the world's population growth and answered some discussion questions, and then we took notes from our unit 2 ppt on measurements and characteristics of population.

Mental Map Project due: WED
Vocab Quiz 1: FRI

Mon Sep 8

Today we took the map quiz on South America. Then we completed a quick-write and began our unit 2 powerpoint and worked with partners on a population density activity in the classroom!

Fri Sep 5

Today we continued our introduction to population geography. We did a few agree/disagree statements, we looked at the World Clock, and we watched/took notes on a Hans Rosling TED talk. We had a few minutes left to finish our population density maps. If you didn't finish, please finish over the weekend!

Map Quiz 2: MON

Thurs Sep 4

Today we began unit 2! We got our packets, then took a pre-quiz on the world's population. We finished up by working on a population density coloring map. Please bring this back tomorrow so you can finish it at the end of class!

Unit 2 reading guide
Unit 2 vocab
Unit 2 outline

Map Quiz 2: MON

Wed Sep 3

Today was the FRQ exam for unit 1.

If you missed either the MC test OR the FRQ test (or both), make-up times are listed below. Be prepared to make up the test(s) ASAP!

Thursday during lunch/flex
Thursday @ 3:30

Friday during lunch/flex
Friday @ 3:30

Map Quiz 2: MON

Tues Sep 2

Today we took the unit 1 MC test. Please remember a blue or black ink pen for tomorrow's FRQ exam!